British Methodist Hymnody with Martin Clarke, on Music and the Church Ep. 17

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For many Christians, the Methodist tradition is one of their most important sources of hymnody. Dr. Martin V. Clarke’s new book British Methodist Hymnody explores the roots of this rich repertoire as well as the distinctive features of Methodist worship today.

Dr. Martin V. Clarke (faculty page, Twitter) is Lecturer in Music at The Open University and author of the new book British Methodist Hymnody: Theology, Heritage, and Experience.

Martin covers five main areas in our conversation:

  • How Methodists leaders have used hymnody that doesn’t line up with their theological viewpoints
  • Altered hymn lyrics, including Charles Wesley’s
  • How Methodist leaders have determined whether or not popular music styles should be used in church services
  • What we see in Methodist services today and how a praise band can function like a choir
  • What makes Methodist hymnody distinctly “Methodist”

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