A few weeks ago, Brent Johnson from the Organ Media Foundation came to the First Congregational Church of St. Louis, where I work, to film our Austin pipe organ.
To show case some of the stops, I’m playing from one of my favorite 20th-century organ works, the 6 Voluntaries on Gregorian Themes by Sr. Teresine Fonder.
I’m playing the first two movements starting at 16:50, and I’m playing the last movement at 35:08. (The music is currently out-of-print, but I’m nudging the publisher again to see if they’ll re-release it. *Fingers crossed*)
Showcase Your Church’s Instruments? Or the Building?
Doing the filming made me realize how much some congregations would love a video like this, especially if it were a short one tailored just for them. (What church member *isn’t* curious about the inside of an organ chamber?)
To expand on the idea, it could be fun to spotlight areas of your church’s building that are usually unseen, like a bell tower or attic. Or maybe there are weekday activities that you could share with the congregation through a short film.
Have you tried anything like this?