Announcing My Book!

Image description: Sarah Bereza, smiling with blurry child in background
Out getting pizza and kombucha to celebrate with my family!

Big news! I’ve signed a book contract!

Professional Christian: Integrating Personal Faith and Public Ministry in a Fragmented, Filtered World is a leadership book for church staff and other people in Christian ministry. It’s under contract with Westminster John Knox.

What a joy and privilege to have years of work begin to come to fruition!

I’ll be sharing more as I write, but for now, here’s a summary of the book:

Each of us has our own gifts, our singular ways of being in the world as God made us. By being our fullest selves—the most robust and true expression of who we are—we can best love and serve God, and love and serve our neighbors.

But being me in public ministry brings many quandaries and few simple answers. Should I speak up or stay silent? Am I sharing God’s blessing or bragging? How can I be honest about my struggles without burdening the people in my care? What if my preaching or singing feels like a performance?

To answer these questions with integrity, Professional Christian gathers the wisdom of Christian leaders—from pastors and musicians to writers and professors—who intentionally minister beyond their local settings, and whose professional livelihood hinges on their personal faith. They show how our questions lead to fruitful, mature ministry as we continually learn how be loving neighbors to the ones we lead.

Written by a PhD-trained ethnographer with 20 years of experience in church ministry, Professional Christian teaches pastors, church staff, and other Christians leaders how to cultivate a vibrant public ministry that aligns with their values and nurtures each person’s unique gifts with wisdom and care for their whole lives.

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