6 Strategies for Settling in at a New Church, on Called Ep. 4

Where should you start when you move to a new ministry? Here are six strategies to help you settle in:

  1. People are #1.
  2. Get to know the landscape. Literally.
  3. Find out what’s normative.
  4. Seek out the sacred cows.
  5. Figure out what to do now – and what to postpone.
  6. Give yourself some grace.

Our Reads of the Week

About Called – At the Intersection of Life and Ministry

For 50 years between them, Pastor Bill Smutz and musician Sarah Bereza have survived and thrived in churches big and small, urban and rural, good and not so good. With generous hearts and healthy boundaries, they share practical advice for church staff about working smart, cutting out the bs, and embracing the good in ministry. New episodes on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.

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