
Choral Music by Women Composers with Sarah MacDonald and David Schaap, on Music and the Church with Sarah Bereza Ep. 47

Want to program more music by women composers? Selah Publishing has just released a fantastic new choral series edited by Sarah MacDonald, and all the composers are women: Sarah Cattley, Elizabeth Coxhead, Eleanor Daley, Elizabeth Kimble, Stephanie Martin, Ceclie McDowall, Annabell Rooney, and Sarah MacDonald. In this conversation with Sarah MacDonald and Selah’s founder and …

Choral Music by Women Composers with Sarah MacDonald and David Schaap, on Music and the Church with Sarah Bereza Ep. 47 Read More »

Image shows podcast cover with text: Music and the Church with Sarah Bereza. At

11 Essentials for a Choir Rehearsal Space, on Music and the Church Ep. 9

Choir rooms need a lot more than chairs and a piano to function well for musicians—they need storage for anthems, places for information (like a white board), and most important of all: a flat surface for cookies. Listen for 11 choir rehearsal space essentials, plus two bonus ideas.

Composer Profile: Brian Büda

During my doctoral research, I interviewed many composers of church music. This week, I’m delighted to feature music by several of the people I interviewed: Faye Lopez, Molly Ijames, and Brian Büda!