Getting to Nimble

Climbing Up a Covid-19 Learning Curve on Getting to Nimble Ep. 21

Climbing up a learning curve. Running down a sand dune, trying not to face plant. Throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. Just a few metaphors for the work we’re doing lately! Emily Stokes, a minister for children and families, joins us to talk about our approaches to ministry right now.

COVID19 and the Church, on Getting to Nimble Ep. 20

What a strange time we are in, especially as church leaders. Bill and Sarah share what they are currently doing to respond to COVID19, especially in terms of pastoral care and spiritual connection in a time of physical distance. We can still “worship in spirit and in truth” whether or not we are in-person.

Image description: Podcast cover art with dark blue background and the text "Called - At the Intersection of Life and Ministry with Sarah Bereza and Bill Smutz" on

Family at Church, on Called Ep. 12

How do our families connect with our church ministries? And how can we alleviate some of the pressure on our “preacher’s kid” families? As a pastor and a musician, Bill and I have encountered very different expectations and experiences.