
Singing through the Year: Light in the Dark Months

It’s not a coincidence that this winter season is full of scripture readings about light. These are dark, cold weeks, and I, along with many other people, am finding them heavy and full of what Jesus called “wars and rumors of wars.”

Singing through the Year: Fishers of Men

Rise and Follow Me: I’ll Make You Worthy Next Sunday’s Gospel reading comes from Matthew—Jesus begins his ministry and calls several fishermen away from their work, saying, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” Such a simple but radically life-altering command.

Singing Faith Through the Liturgical Year

I sing to my infant son whenever we’re in the car together, and since singing whatever comes to mind usually means “Come Thou Found” on repeat, I try to sing songs according to the liturgical year(ish).* *haters gonna hate, but there was a lot of Christmas music happening during Advent—sorrynotsorry y’all! 

The Right Kind of Music: Should Church Services Include Classical Music?

This is the last post in my series about puzzling things in my doctoral research on fundamentalist Christianity. Read the others here: Can Hymns Be Prayers?, Why May Women Sing If They May Not Preach?, and Musical Form in Piano Hymn Arrangements. When fundamentalist authors and musicians describe the elements of good music, they list attributes …

The Right Kind of Music: Should Church Services Include Classical Music? Read More »

The Right Kind of Music: Why May Women Sing If They May Not Preach?

This is part of a series about my research on fundamentalist Christian music. Read the others here: Can Hymns Be Prayers?, Musical Form in Piano Hymn Arrangements, and Should Church Services Include Classical Music? Many fundamentalists talk about solo singing in a church service as a kind of preaching. But even though fundamentalist women are not …

The Right Kind of Music: Why May Women Sing If They May Not Preach? Read More »