Minisode: Embracing a Radically Flexible Schedule, on Music and the Church

Text: Embracing a Radically Flexible Schedule About the Pros and Cons of a Flexible Schedule in Church Ministry. Background image of flowers and a journal/planner on a desk.

There’s no regular Music and the Church podcast this week because I’ve spent several days taking care of a sick toddler (fortunately he’s on the mend). But I want drop in with this reminder:

Church ministry usually brings radically flexibility to our work schedules. And a balanced life means embracing both the pros and the cons of that flexible schedule.

Last week it was a a con, as I cut a vacation trip short to return home for a funeral. This week, it’s a pro as I type this post at home with my toddler playing at my feet.

Two sides of the coin, and you can’t really have one without the other. Focusing only on the pros can leave you disappointed when a con comes up. And only looking at the cons might mean you miss out on the pros.

Music and the Church will be back next week with a regular episode on my favorite-ever-topic: congregational singing! In the meantime, there’s almost 30 back episodes and you can find them here.

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