A new year, a new site (and a new job!)

Happy New Year, y’all!

Have you recovered from the Christmas season yet? Don’t look now, but Ash Wednesday is in five (!) weeks. As Crawford and I said in our first podcast episode, get your Easter musicians lined up now if you haven’t already!

In the last few weeks, I made changes to the Music and the Church website—I’ve been maintaining two separate websites and decided to combine them into one, sarah-bereza.com, to reduce my workload. Musicandthechurch.com still works as a link, but redirects to the new (hopefully improved!) site.

If you’d like to keep getting Music and the Church updates, you can subscribe to posts on the new site and you can also subscribe to our Music and the Church newsletter.

The other news around here is that I’ve taken a post as the interim organist at The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Cincinnati. I anticipate moving this summer for my husband’s job, so it’s a gift that both my and Redeemer’s timing needs have synched so smoothly. (It’s also a joy to play on the beautiful pipe organs at the church!)

And on the podcast front: our Epiphany to Easter season begins tomorrow and will continue weekly until Holy Week. I can’t wait to share the episodes with you!

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