The Best Thing I Did At Church Last Summer (And Why I’m Doing It Again)

Image description: coffee shop with wall art saying "How About A Cup of Joe?" via

Last summer, I was the new kid in town. I started my new position at a church in June, right after the program year ended and people scattered to their summer travels.

But I wanted to get to know everyone involved in the music program, especially choir members and handbell ringers. And I didn’t want to just meet them with a handshake and goodbye. I wanted to actually talk with people.

Fortunately, the head of staff where I work suggested I take people out for coffee (or tea…or lunch…or breakfast…).

So I did.

Talking with people in that one-on-one, focused way turned out to be the best thing I did all summer.

What started as a time to get to know people turned into deep conversations. I learned why people chose this particular congregation, how they grew through recent struggles, and even what they liked (and didn’t like) about the music program.

Since I was new, these conversations also gave folks a sense of who I am.

(As a side note, I could only take 20ish people out for coffee because my position is full-time. In part-time positions, I wouldn’t have the time or the money. Sometimes churches reallllly want to make jobs part-time because leadership just sees the minimum number of hours it takes to run rehearsals and services. But taking people out for coffee is just one of the many powerful things a staff member can do when they are given enough time to minister.)

So now it’s summer again, and I’m planning for more coffee dates. Yes, we’ve all gotten to know each other during the program year, but five minutes here and there can’t compare with an hour of focused time.

So what about you? How have you gotten to know the people you minister with?

Image via.

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