In honor of Pride Month, here are the congregational songs of extravagant and affirming welcome that I’m programming at my church.
The congregation knows these songs already because I’ve been introducing them throughout the past year. So singing them them all this month isn’t a drive-by acknowledgement of Pride Month, but an extra emphasis on what is already alive in the church.
That said, Pride Month might also be a good nudge to look at the songs your congregation sings, and maybe add some of these to your repertoire.
“For All the Children” by David Lohman
The #1 hymn my congregation loves on the theme of welcome that’s both open and affirming. I was introduced to “For All The Children” last fall when a church member requested it – and, wow, I saw quite a few tears even on our first time singing it. It’s now in regular rotation. Check it out here.
“The Canticle of Turning” by Rory Cooney
“The Canticle of Turning” is a versified Magnificat plus chorus, all set to the Irish folk tune “Star of the County Down.” It’s the most mentioned hymn on this website by a long shot! Check it out here.
Why this hymn on a Pride Parade Sunday?
Because the Magnificat is about God’s care and concern for the ones who are not in power.
And because of this chorus:
“My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the
fires of your justice burn. Wipe away all tears, for the
dawn draws near, and the world is about to turn!”
“Draw the Circle Wide” by Gordon Light and Mark Miller
A simple text of extravagant welcome, set to a singable melody. Check it out here.
If your congregation doesn’t know this song already, my experience teaching it has led me to take out the (many) repeats. The pared down version lacks some of the longer version’s emotional heft, but to me, that’s worth helping folks sing.
“We Walk in Love” by Deanna Witkowski and Lemuel Colon
An uplighting piece from the Justice Choir Songbook. My choir sang it for several months as an unaccompanied introit, and now it’s one of the congregation’s favorite new pieces. The composer, Deanna Witkowski, recently released a jazzy piano accompaniment. Check it out here.
Image via.
What affirming, welcoming songs does your congregation enjoy?