
Photo of musician and scholar Dr. Mary Catherine Levri for her podcast interview on congregational participation on musicandthechurch.com

Congregational Participation at Mass, with Mary Catherine Levri, on Music and the Church Ep. 25

Church services can be incredibly distracting places, especially for leaders—you’re in the choir, you’re reading the scriptures, you’re leading prayers, you’re preaching the sermon. What does it mean for us participate with our hearts—not just our lips!—when we’re busy with mundane things like adjusting a microphone or remembering a last minute announcement? 

Image shows podcast cover with text: Music and the Church with Sarah Bereza. At sarah-bereza.com

British Methodist Hymnody with Martin Clarke, on Music and the Church Ep. 17

For many Christians, the Methodist tradition is one of their most important sources of hymnody. Dr. Martin V. Clarke’s new book British Methodist Hymnody explores the roots of this rich repertoire as well as the distinctive features of Methodist worship today. Dr. Martin V. Clarke (faculty page, Twitter) is Lecturer in Music at The Open University and …

British Methodist Hymnody with Martin Clarke, on Music and the Church Ep. 17 Read More »

How to Host a Lenten Hymn Sing

Last week, I posted a 3 steps to hosting an easy hymn sing and talked about it on the podcast. This week, I have a template for a “Journey to the Cross” with 60 hymns to choose from, so you can have a cohesive hymn sing focused on the Cross. The hymn sing’s theme is “Journey to the …

How to Host a Lenten Hymn Sing Read More »

3 Steps to an Easy Hymn Sing

Hymn sings can be grand affairs, with special anthems combining choir with congregation, extra instrumentalists to plan for and rehearse, and scripture readings to coordinate with the hymns’ themes. But a hymn sing can also be very easy to plan and host. Here’s the 3 basic steps:

Singing through the Year: Light in the Dark Months

It’s not a coincidence that this winter season is full of scripture readings about light. These are dark, cold weeks, and I, along with many other people, am finding them heavy and full of what Jesus called “wars and rumors of wars.”

Singing through the Year: Fishers of Men

Rise and Follow Me: I’ll Make You Worthy Next Sunday’s Gospel reading comes from Matthew—Jesus begins his ministry and calls several fishermen away from their work, saying, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” Such a simple but radically life-altering command.